balancing work and family

Flexibility Frenzy: US Working Moms Soar while Indians Struggle in balancing work and Family

The worldwide job market has seen substantial shifts in the dynamics surrounding working mothers in recent years.

  • On one hand, the United States has seen a significant increase in the percentage of working mothers returning to the job market due to increasing flexibility in balancing work and family responsibilities.
  • On the other, India has seen a troubling trend of working mothers resigning due to companies enforcing a return to the office.
  • Prepare for an engrossing story as we unravel the reasons behind these diverging experiences, sprinkled with a touch of humor along the way.

Question: Is it better for working mothers to work in US or India? Answer: It can be advantageous for a working mother to work in the United States due to better access to flexible parental leave policies, support for working mothers, and higher gender equality rankings compared to India, which may contribute to a more supportive work environment.

Balancing Work and Family: The Workplace Flexibility Revolution in the United States

  • Picture a world where working moms can crack jokes during conference calls while keeping an eye on their little ones. Welcome to the US, where workplace flexibility has become the secret sauce in the recipe for balancing work and family.
  • American companies have ditched the old rulebook and embraced remote work options, flexible schedules, and family-friendly policies. It’s like a magical spell that empowers working moms to manage both their careers and their families with a wink and a smile.
  • Working mothers can save the day without leaving their homes, thanks to modern marvels such as technology. They can juggle spreadsheets and snack time while dressed in soft slippers and a superhero cape.
  • With such flexible options available, it’s no surprise that more working moms are proudly returning to the job market, armed with laptops and a newfound sense of liberation.

Real Life Stories

Meet Jennifer and Sarah, two working mothers in the United States who are thriving in both their personal and professional lives all thanks to their newfound freedom.

A Second Chance at Motherhood

I never thought I could have it all – a successful career and be there for my child’s every milestone. But my employer had a game-changer up their sleeve – flexible working arrangements. It was like winning the lottery! I’m able to work from home a few days a week, giving me a second opportunity at motherhood. I get to be present for all the lovely moments I was afraid I’d miss. It’s an absolute blessing.
A working mom in US
Finding Support in a Sisterhood

Being a working mother might feel like an uphill battle at times. But then I discovered my tribe: a group of incredible working moms who created a sisterhood. When things are tough, we pick each other up, cheer each other on, and lend an empathetic ear when the going gets tough. We’re like an army of invincible superheroes working together to overcome obstacles. Having that support network has changed my life
Another working mom in the US

Challenges of Being Working Mother in IndiaIndia’s Struggle with Inflexibility

  • Now let’s travel to India, where the tale develops with irony. According to India Times News companies in this tragic comedy are insisting that working mothers be physically present at the office. Bring on the dramatic music!
  • This inflexible mindset puts working moms in a tight spot, caught between demanding careers and family responsibilities, much like a typical comedy dilemma.
  • During the pandemic, there was a temporary escape from this conundrum, as remote work took Centre stage. Working mothers rejoiced, trading their commutes for comfortable jammies and cuddles with their children.
  • Companies, however, pulled a plot twist and insisted on a return to the office. The laughter turned to sighs as talented working mothers faced the heart-wrenching decision of choosing between their jobs and their families. And, while we all know that sitcoms thrive on misconceptions, this one isn’t quite as amusing.

Real Life Stories

Now meet Ankita and Priya, two working mothers from India who are battling in both their personal and professional life as a result of their employers’ conservative outlook.

The Battle for Flexibility

I can’t help but feel a deep sense of empathy for all working moms in India. For us, flexibility is still a faraway dream. I’ve heard heart-breaking instances of mothers  who were compelled to leave their sick children in the care of others owing to rigid work hours. It breaks my heart. We need to fight for change and create more flexible work environments that accommodate the needs of working moms across India. We deserve the same opportunities working moms in US have!
The heartfelt plea of Ankita
A working mom in India
The Silent Sacrifice

It’s tough being the rock for my family, juggling a demanding career and the responsibilities of motherhood. Because of work obligations, I’ve missed some of my children’s major occasions. It’s a silent sacrifice that breaks my heart. But I keep going because I want to give my children a better future. Even on the most difficult days, their smiles make it all worthwhile.
Another working mom in the India

The Impact on mental fitness and mental well-being of working moms

The pursuit of finding a delicate equilibrium between work and family can significantly impact working moms’ mental well-being and mindfulness. By understanding the potential benefits of flexibility, we can shed light on how it can positively shape their overall happiness and harmony.

  1. Reduced stress: Work schedule flexibility helps working moms in balancing work and family. They can better manage their time, lowering the stress associated with juggling various responsibilities. They can improve their general well-being by having control over their schedules and allocating time for self-care, family activities, and personal hobbies.
  2. Increased job satisfaction: Flexible work arrangements, such as flexible hours or telecommuting options, can enhance job satisfaction for working moms. They may feel more respected and supported by their employers, which may lead to increased engagement and motivation. This contentment can have a good impact on mental health since they have a better work-life balance and enjoy the benefits of flexibility.
  3. Enhanced mindfulness: Flexibility can facilitate mindfulness practices for working moms. Being fully present in the present moment, seeing and accepting thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment, is what mindfulness entails. Moms with flexible work schedules might set aside time for mental well-being practices such as Coaching, mental fitness program, meditation, or mindful breathing. This can help them in reducing stress, improve focus, and increase self-awareness.
  4. Healthier Relationships: Flexibility allows working moms to spend more quality time with their families, fostering stronger bonds and healthier relationships. Moms can increase their overall satisfaction and sense of fulfillment by being present and engaged in family activities. This positive family dynamic improves mental well-being and a healthier work-life balance.
  5. Reduced guilt and pressure: Working mothers often experience guilt or pressure as a result of the perceived demands of being present for both work and family duties. By providing options to suit the needs of both domains, flexibility might ease some of these feelings. Reduced guilt and pressure can improve mental health, happiness, and productivity.

The Way Around- Mental Fitness for Working Moms

  • With external world challenges looming, it is critical for working moms to prioritize their own well-being. Working mothers can strengthen their mental health defenses and shield themselves from the stresses of their surroundings by implementing a variety of tactics and practices.
  • If external world challenges become overwhelming it’s critical for working moms to seek professional help. Enrolling in mental fitness programs, Positive Intelligence coaching, attending Mental Fitness Workshops, and coaching engagement with a mental fitness coach can provide guidance, support, and strategies to navigate and overcome challenges effectively.

The Way Forward

  • The stories of working moms in the US and India highlight the undeniable impact of flexibility in the job market but also bring some laughter along the way. Flexible work arrangements in the United States empower working mothers to perform superhero-like feats, giving a splash of vibrancy to the office. Companies may benefit from the superpowers of these multitasking professionals, creating a win-win situation where productivity and happiness soar.
  • Meanwhile, in India, the comedy of inflexibility leads to missed chances and talent loss. Companies that stick to outdated norms accidentally become the punchline, missing out on the creativity and insight that working mothers bring to the table. It’s time for businesses throughout the world to rewrite their scripts and embrace the power of flexibility, creating an inclusive environment where working moms may shine like stars.

Balancing Work and Family: Unlocking the Brighter future for Working Moms Worldwide

The stories of working moms in the US and India tell us one thing loud and clear: flexibility is a game-changer. It is the key to unlocking the potential of working women, balancing work and family, and allowing them to flourish in their careers while caring for their children. Let’s applaud the US for embracing this revolution and urge companies everywhere to follow suit. By prioritizing flexibility, we can create a world where working moms no longer face impossible choices but instead can enjoy fulfilling careers and harmonious family lives.


Question: Which country has the most working mothers?

Answer: According to OECD data, Denmark has the highest percentage of working mothers of any developed country. More than 80% of Danish mothers work, according to the research.

While Denmark has the highest rate of mother employment (82%), Sweden, Slovenia, the Netherlands, and Austria are not far behind.

Question: Which country has the highest work from home?

Portugal is ranked the greatest country in the world to work remotely from. One of the key reasons it ranked first is that Portugal provides a remote work visa.    

Question: Is it better to be a stay-at-home mom or work?

Working mothers may cherish the sense of personal accomplishment, financial freedom, and professional growth that comes from following their professional goals. Working outside the home can provide intellectual stimulation, social connection, and a feeling of personal identity beyond the role of a parent.  

Whispering Insights- coaching for working moms

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