Are you torn between making choices?

1. Working mothers are always tested with conflicting choices and all of them seems important at that point of time.
2. If they select one and ignore others they potentially go into negative emotions like anxiety, stress and guilt.
3. We can work together to develop greater mental fitness so that you overcome detrimental negative emotions.

Our Offerings


We aim at intense, in-depth, and intimate interactions to facilitate a positive and progressive shift.

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PQ based mental fitness program, intercept negative emotions and enhance positivity.

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In PQ methodology, the saboteurs are the primary reason behind the negative emotions.

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Most of the working moms feel that they need to be perfect at the work and home so that they can prove that one is not affecting the other. In this process, they lose their peace of mind, remain anxious and stressed. We can help you overcome this self fulfilling prophecy.