Breastfeeding journey

Extraordinary Breastfeeding journey of an ordinary Working mom 

Just when I thought I had it all figured out with my ‘Swing & Shine’ method, my trusty breast pump broke down during a crucial project presentation!… 

Hello everyone! I’m Snehal, a proud mom-of-two, a Project Manager at an IT firm in Singapore, and a passionate advocate for working mothers. Today, I’m sharing the riveting tale of how I defied all odds, juggled my high-pressure IT career, and triumphed in my quest to provide the best for my daughter Saanvi. My rollercoaster journey, filled with unexpected twists, will leave you inspired and craving for more. 

Being a working mother in the software industry comes with its own set of challenges. The long working hours, tight deadlines, and constant pressure to perform can take a toll on our physical and emotional well-being. Adding breastfeeding to this mix can seem overwhelming, but I knew I had to find a way to make it work. 

When Saanvi was born, I knew I wanted to breastfeed her, but my busy schedule made it nearly impossible to be there for every feeding. That’s when the idea of the ‘Swing & Shine’ method came to me. I invested in a high-quality breast pump, which became my trusty companion during office hours. 

During breaks and downtime, I would ‘swing’ into action and pump breast milk, ensuring a steady supply for my daughter even when I couldn’t be physically present. Then, it was time to ‘shine’ by using the latest technology to store the milk efficiently, so Saanvi never missed out on the nourishment she deserved. 

My Secret Tips: 

  1. Invest in a good-quality breast pump: A reliable breast pump can be a game-changer for a working mother. Look for one that suits your needs and allows you to express milk comfortably. 
  1. Create a pumping schedule, and set aside specific times during your workday to pump milk consistently. This will help maintain a regular milk supply. 
  1. Utilize technology for storage. Opt for breast milk storage bags or containers designed for freezing. Make sure to label them with the date to maintain a proper rotation. 
  1. Maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated. A nutritious diet and ample water intake are essential for sustaining a healthy milk supply. 

Bonus Tip:

Consider using smart breast pumps that connect to your smartphone, allowing you to track your pumping sessions and milk supply conveniently. There are also apps available that offer breastfeeding support, tips, and reminders to help you stay on track. 

While the ‘Swing & Shine’ method worked wonders for me, it’s essential to approach breastfeeding with caution and care. Always ensure that the breast pump is properly cleaned and sanitized to prevent contamination. Store breast milk at the correct temperature and follow guidelines for proper storage duration. 

Just when I thought I had it all figured out, my trusty breast pump broke down during a crucial project presentation! 

Picture this:

  1. I’m racing against the clock, prepping for the presentation of a lifetime, and my breast pump decides to throw in the towel! Panic set in as I worried about Saanvi being deprived of the precious nourishment she needed. But in that moment of desperation, I channeled the problem-solving skills honed in the software industry and sprung into action. 
  2. I quickly rallied my supportive colleagues, who, impressed by my dedication, offered to cover for me during the presentation. With a sigh of relief, I made a daring decision. I pulled out my smartphone, tapped into the latest technology, and found an innovative app that connects to nearby breast pumps! 
  3. Yes, you heard that right! I was able to borrow a colleague’s pump and pump away, all while the app remotely tracked my milk supply. A whirlwind of emotions washed over me as I successfully managed to store Saanvi’s milk and ace the presentation simultaneously! 
  4. This unexpected twist was a revelation for me. It reminded me that challenges are an inherent part of any journey, be it in the IT world or motherhood. Embracing these hurdles with a positive attitude and seeking unconventional solutions is what sets extraordinary people apart. 


Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and there are solutions out there waiting to be discovered. 

Together, we can support one another, uplift each other, and prove that with determination, creativity, and a supportive community, we can thrive in our careers while providing the best for our precious little ones. Let’s embark on this inspiring journey together! 

If you know someone who could benefit from my ‘Swing & Shine’ method and the innovative technology I used to balance work and motherhood, don’t hesitate to share this story with them.  

Tag your colleagues, friends, family, and acquaintances who could use some guidance and encouragement on this path.