Breastfeeding Positions

Breastfeeding Positions for Working Mothers: Empowerment Through Bonding

As the morning sun rises, a new day dawns for countless working mothers across India. Juggling between career aspirations and nurturing their little ones, these modern heroines are faced with the beautiful yet challenging task of breastfeeding. To all the working moms out there, this article is dedicated to you! We will explore the most effective breastfeeding positions tailored for busy schedules, shedding light on the inspiring success stories of renowned Indian personalities who have championed this journey. So, let’s dive into the world of breastfeeding positions for working mothers, and discover how they overcome obstacles and bond with their newborns.

From renowned actresses to celebrated athletes, these moms have embraced motherhood while pursuing their careers. They prove that breastfeeding can be successful, even amidst a busy schedule.

The Cradle Hold – A Mother’s Embrace:

The Cradle Hold, the timeless classic, is where the newborn’s head rests on the crook of the mother’s arm. This position fosters intimacy and allows the baby to lock eyes with the loving gaze of their mom. This position has been celebrated by working mothers like Priya Malik, a renowned journalist and TV anchor, who managed to breastfeed her baby during her busy schedule, embracing the powerful bond that comes with this nurturing act.


  • The emotional connection between mother and child.
  • Suitable for older babies who can support their heads.
  • Convenient for discreet breastfeeding in public.


  • Can strain the mother’s arm and shoulder muscles during prolonged feedings.
  • May be challenging for newborns with latching difficulties.

The Football Hold – Empowering Working Moms:

The Football Hold, also known as the clutch or underarm hold, is perfect for multitasking moms on the go. In this position, the baby is tucked under the mother’s arm like a football, providing comfort and allowing the mother to maintain control. Indian footballer, Aditi Chauhan, proudly shares her journey of mastering this position, proving that mothers can excel in their careers and still provide their babies with the nourishment they deserve.


  • Excellent choice for women recovering from a C-section.
  • Provides better visibility of the baby’s latch.
  • Great for tandem feeding twins.


  • Requires the use of pillows for support.
  • May not foster as much eye contact as other positions.

The Side-Lying Breastfeeding Position – A Restful Connection:

For the tired working mother yearning for rest while breastfeeding, the Side-Lying Position comes to the rescue. This position is performed while lying on your side, bringing the baby close for a soothing nursing experience. Inspired by the remarkable achievements of working mother and celebrated actress, Kareena Kapoor Khan, this position showcases the art of balancing work and motherhood while cherishing precious moments.


  • Ideal for night feedings, providing rest for both mother and baby.
  • Reduces pressure on the mother’s back and shoulders.
  • Encourages skin-to-skin contact.


  • Requires cautious positioning to avoid suffocation.
  • May require additional support with breastfeeding pillows.

The Laid-Back Breastfeeding Position – Embracing Mother Nature:

Channeling the wisdom of nature, the Laid-Back Position allows working mothers to relax and let their babies take the lead. With the mother reclining slightly and the baby positioned on her chest, gravity aids in proper latch and feeding. Inspired by the achievements of working mother and environmentalist, Dia Mirza, this position symbolizes harmony and balance between work and motherhood.


  • Encourages newborns’ natural feeding instincts.
  • Relieves pressure on the mother’s back and arms.
  • Enhances mother-baby bonding through skin-to-skin contact.


  • Requires practice for the right reclined angle.
  • May be challenging for mothers with certain medical conditions.

Overcoming Challenges – First-time Moms and Newborns:

As a first-time new mom, the journey of breastfeeding can be overwhelming and riddled with challenges. Latching issues, inadequate milk supply, and self-doubt can shroud the beautiful experience. However, remember, you are not alone! Seek support from lactation consultants, support groups, and the inspiring stories of successful working mothers who have braved these challenges.

Working Moms of FIFA World Cup 2023:

Imagine a group of powerful working mothers, playing on the global stage of FIFA World Cup 2023, while simultaneously embracing the joys of breastfeeding. These remarkable women have mastered the art of breastfeeding positions, empowering themselves to conquer both their professional goals and motherhood with unwavering determination.


Breastfeeding positions for working mothers go beyond providing nourishment; they are a gateway to fostering deep emotional connections between a mother and her child. Empowered by the success stories of Indian personalities, working mothers are breaking barriers and redefining the norms of work-life balance. As you embark on your own breastfeeding journey, remember, you are an inspiration to many, and your bond with your little one will forever be etched in the sands of time. Embrace the beauty of breastfeeding, and let your heart guide you through the wondrous adventure of motherhood.

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