Disconnect from Work During PTO

Are Working Moms Truly Able to Disconnect from Work During PTO? The Startling Reality and What HR Must Know!

As organizations strive for success and growth, it’s crucial to pause and reflect on how their policies impact their most valuable asset – their employees. One segment that often faces unique challenges is working moms, especially when it comes to taking much-needed time off for personal reasons. While Paid Time Off (PTO) should be a time for relaxation and rejuvenation, it is becoming increasingly evident that many working moms are left feeling stressed and overwhelmed due to the inability to disconnect from work during PTO. The question is, is your organization unknowingly contributing to this phenomenon?

The Alarming Reality

  • The 2021 survey by Owl Labs found that 69% of employees check work emails or messages during PTO and are unable to truly unplug while on vacation. The same survey found that 56% of employees feel obligated to check work emails or messages during PTO causing work stress on vacation.
  • The 2022 survey by Flex Jobs found that 42% of employees have been interrupted by work-related calls or texts and are unable to truly unplug while on vacation. The same survey found that 28% of employees have had their PTO days cut short due to work-related demands.

Here are some alarming data for employees of India’s top 100 MNCs on the number of unused leaves of employees that lapse every year:

Industry Percentage of unvailed leaves Basis of data Year 
IT 35% A survey by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) in 2022 2021-22 
Consulting 25% A study by the Indian Staffing Federation (ISF) in 2021 2020-21 
Banking 20% A report by the National Productivity Council (NPC) in 2020 2019-20 
Healthcare 15% A study by the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM-B) in 2019 2018-19 
Education 10% A survey by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in 2018 2017-18 

Paid Time Off (PTO) is not just a statutory benefit but a powerful tool that can contribute to the success and productivity of employees, including working moms. However, its potential often remains untapped as organizations fail to recognize the profound impact PTO can have on employee performance.

Breaking the Silence: Are Working Moms Afraid to Take PTO? Are they able to disconnect from work during PTO?

Are Working Moms Afraid to Take PTO?

The fear of taking PTO is rooted in various factors, including workplace culture, perceived expectations, and personal responsibilities. Working moms may fear that their absence will burden their team or that it may affect their career prospects. Moreover, the stigma surrounding PTO and the notion that taking time off is a sign of weakness can deter working moms from utilizing their leave.

Picture this scenario:

A working mom eagerly prepares for her PTO, hoping to spend quality time with her family and recharge her batteries. However, as the days progress, she finds herself unable to fully disconnect from work. The constant buzz of work-related emails, messages, and calls makes it feel like she never truly left the office. Sadly, this scenario is not uncommon for many working moms, and it raises an alarming question – Are working moms truly able to disconnect from work during PTO?

The survey results showed that a majority of employees are not able to detach from work during vacation.

The most common reasons for this were:

  • Feeling obligated to check work emails or messages.
  • Being interrupted by work-related calls or texts.
  • Being afraid of missing out on something important.
  • Feeling guilty about taking time off.

Here is the deep dive into why employees fail to utilize their PTO and The complete Working Moms Guide for Stress-Free PTO

Disconnect from work during PTO or More Work? How Can HR Ensure Working Moms Enjoy Stress-Free Time Off?

During PTO, working moms often find themselves caught between two worlds – their professional responsibilities and their personal commitments. The pressure to stay connected and respond to work emails, even when officially on leave, can create a constant sense of anxiety. As HR professionals, learning and development teams, and CEOs, it’s essential to address this issue head-on and implement game-changing solutions to support working moms during their time off.

  1. To begin with, HR must assess the existing PTO policies and identify areas where improvement is needed. Are the allotted PTO days sufficient for working moms to truly unwind and recharge? Are there any limitations or restrictions that hinder their ability to make the most of their time off? Addressing these aspects can be the first step in creating a more supportive PTO framework.
  2. Moreover, it is crucial to assess the workload distribution within the organization. Are working moms disproportionately burdened with tasks and unable to detach from work during PTO? If so, it’s time for HR and management to address this disparity. By fairly distributing workloads and ensuring adequate support during a working mom’s absence, organizations can mitigate stress and foster a positive work environment.
  3. One way HR can ensure stress-free PTO for working moms is by providing access to resources that facilitate smooth transitions before and after leave. For example, offering training on effective delegation and handover processes can equip both managers and team members to manage workload efficiently in the absence of a working mom. This not only allows unplugging on vacation for the employee on leave but also ensures continuity and productivity within the team.
  4. Furthermore, HR can introduce PTO planning tools or platforms that help employees, including working moms, organize their time off effectively. These tools can provide insights into peak workload periods, enabling employees to plan their leave when the impact on the team is minimal. Additionally, such platforms can serve as a centralized hub for communicating important updates and information during an employee’s absence.
  5. Supportive policies such as paid parental leave and flexible PTO options can significantly contribute to stress-free time off for working moms. HR must advocate for and implement these policies to ensure that working moms have the opportunity to balance their professional and personal commitments without feeling pressured or rushed.
  6. Another critical aspect is setting clear boundaries and expectations around PTO. HR can actively communicate the importance of disconnecting from work during leave and encourage employees to delegate tasks beforehand. Additionally, implementing technology tools that can automate responses to emails or redirect work-related queries during PTO can further ensure a complete disconnect from work while on vacation.
  7. Organizations can also consider offering flexible PTO options, allowing employees to take half-days or shorter periods of time off. This way, working moms can manage their work and personal commitments more effectively, reducing the work stress on vacation associated with extended leaves.
  8. Another critical aspect is fostering a culture of empathy and understanding within the organization. HR can lead initiatives that promote open communication and encourage team members to be considerate of each other’s personal needs and boundaries. Empathy from colleagues and managers can make a world of difference for a working mom during her time off.
  9. Furthermore, HR can encourage working moms to share their PTO experiences and success stories within the organization. This can be done through internal communication channels, such as newsletters or social media platforms, to inspire and motivate other employees to make the most of their time off. Celebrating the achievements of working moms and recognizing their contributions can foster a culture that values the importance of PTO and how not to think about work during vacation.
  10. Lastly, HR can leverage feedback mechanisms to gather insights from working moms about their PTO experiences. Conducting surveys or holding focus groups can provide valuable information on pain points and areas that require improvement. Armed with this feedback, HR can make data-driven decisions to enhance the PTO experience for working moms and ensure true Disconnect from work during PTO.

The Untapped Potential of PTO: How HR and L&D Teams Can Empower Working Moms for Success!

  • HR and learning and development (L&D) teams have a unique opportunity to unlock the true potential of PTO and empower working moms for success.
  • One of the primary ways HR and L&D teams can empower working moms is by promoting the concept of “mindful PTO.” Mindful PTO goes beyond simply taking time off; it involves consciously using that time to recharge, learn, and grow. HR can collaborate with L&D teams to curate relevant resources and training programs that align with the personal and professional development goals of working moms.
  • By encouraging them to disconnect from work and utilize their PTO for skill-building and self-improvement, organizations can create a win-win situation where employees return from leave rejuvenated and equipped with new knowledge and competencies.
  • Moreover, HR can facilitate coaching programs that provide working moms with valuable guidance and support in their careers. Connecting them with experienced coaches who understand the challenges of work-life balance and enhance the inherent characteristic of working mothers to become great leaders can be immensely beneficial. Such programs can help working moms navigate their professional journey with confidence, paving the way for their success within the organization.
  • HR can partner with Coach Rajendra from Whispering Insights to offer specialized coaching programs tailored to the unique challenges faced by working moms.
  • Coach Rajendra’s expertise in work-life balance, Stress Management, and personal development can be immensely beneficial for working moms seeking guidance and support in their careers. By connecting working moms with Coach Rajendra, organizations can provide a safe and supportive space for them to explore their
  • career aspirations, address personal obstacles, and develop strategies to achieve their goals.
  • Through regular coaching sessions, Coach Rajendra can help working moms build resilience, manage stress, and maintain a positive mindset, ensuring they remain motivated and mentally fit to work towards their objectives.
Book your free discovery session
  • Moreover, HR can lead initiatives that promote self-care and Mindfulness. Providing access to resources such as employee assistance programs, mental fitness programs, stress management training, Work-Life Balance and Leadership Programs can equip working moms with the tools to cope with the demands of work and personal life.
  • HR and L&D departments are encouraged to partner with Whispering Insights to design specialized training and coaching programs tailored for working moms.
  • Let Whispering Insights be your ally in nurturing a culture that values the well-being and success of working moms, contributing to a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce. Contact us today to explore the possibilities of transformative programs for your organization’s working moms.
  • In addition, HR can introduce networking opportunities during PTO. Virtual events, webinars, or industry conferences can be organized to enable working moms to stay connected with their professional community even while on leave. These networking initiatives not only keep employees engaged but also expand their knowledge base and foster a sense of belonging within the organization.


  • In conclusion, HR plays a pivotal role in ensuring that working moms enjoy stress-free PTO and are able to truly disconnect from work during PTO. By reviewing and improving PTO policies, providing resources for effective leave planning, advocating for supportive policies, fostering a culture of empathy, and seeking feedback from employees, HR can create an environment where working moms feel valued, supported, and empowered to take genuine breaks.
  • By promoting Mindful PTO, offering mentorship and coaching, facilitating networking opportunities, providing wellness programs, and celebrating the achievements of working moms, organizations can create an environment where PTO becomes a transformative experience. Complete disconnect from work during PTO not only benefits the well-being of employees but also contributes to a positive work culture and enhanced organizational performance.

Q.1 How to fully disconnect from work on vacation? 

10 effective ways to fully disconnect from work on vacation  
1. Set an Out-of-Office email response. 
2. Inform colleagues and clients of your unavailability. 
3. Delete or disable work-related apps from your phone. 
4. Allocate specific “unplugged” times each day. 
5. Plan activities that distract you from work. 
6. Leave your work laptop at home. 
7. Resist the urge to check work emails. 
8. Use a separate phone for work if possible. 
9. Set boundaries for work-related communications. 
10. Practice mindfulness and Mental Fitness Techniques to disconnect mentally. 
Taking a break from work on vacation is essential for mental rejuvenation. These ten steps can help ensure that you take a well-deserved break and come back with renewed energy and perspective. 

Q.2 How to fully disconnect from work on vacation?

10 effective ways to fully disconnect from work on vacation  
1. Set an Out-of-Office email response. 
2. Inform colleagues and clients of your unavailability. 
3. Delete or disable work-related apps from your phone. 
4. Allocate specific “unplugged” times each day. 
5. Plan activities that distract you from work. 
6. Leave your work laptop at home. 
7. Resist the urge to check work emails. 
8. Use a separate phone for work if possible. 
9. Set boundaries for work-related communications. 
10. Practice mindfulness and Mental Fitness Techniques to disconnect mentally. 
Taking a break from work on vacation is essential for mental rejuvenation. These ten steps can help ensure that you take a well-deserved break and come back with renewed energy and perspective. 

Q.3 How do I overcome vacation anxiety?

Overcoming vacation anxiety can be achieved by thorough planning, setting realistic expectations, and practicing relaxation techniques like mindfulness and deep breathing. It’s also crucial to remind yourself that it’s okay to take a break and enjoy the moment. 

Q.4 Why Is it Important to Disconnect? 

10 reasons why disconnection from work and digital devices is a must 
1. Reduces burnout and stress levels 
2. Helps to maintain a healthy work-life balance 
3. Encourages mindfulness and being present 
4. Allows time for personal growth and self-reflection 
5. Boosts creativity and productivity upon return 
6. Improves mental and physical health 
7. Strengthens personal relationships 
8. Encourages enjoyment and appreciation of leisure time 
9. Prevents over-reliance on digital devices 
10. Enhances overall quality of life 
Disconnecting from work and digital devices is a crucial part of self-care. It promotes mental well-being, boosts creativity, and strengthens personal relationships, thus enriching our overall life experience. 

Q.5 How to utilize my PTO to de-stress, connect to myself and improve mental fitness.

Most effective ways to de-stress and improve mental fitness: 
1. Plan a Staycation: Transform your home into a peaceful retreat. Spend time gardening, reading, or pursuing a hobby. 
2. Schedule a Digital Detox: Use this time to disconnect from all electronics, focusing on self-reflection and mindfulness instead. 
3. Take Up Meditation or Yoga: Use your free time to practice calming activities that enhance mental clarity and fitness. 
4. Spend Time in Nature: Go camping, hiking, or simply take walks in a nearby park. Nature can have a therapeutic effect on the mind. 
5. Invest in Self-Care: Book a spa day, prepare a special meal for yourself or enjoy a long, relaxing bath. 
6. Start a Fitness Regime: Use this time to kickstart a healthy habit. Exercise reduces stress and improves mental health. 
7. Engage in Personal Development: Attend Mental Fitness, Stress Management, and Work-life Balance workshops and training programs at @www.whisperinginsights.com to enhance personal or professional skills. 

Q.6 How Do I Unplug on Vacation? 

10 highly effective ways to unplug on vacation 
1. Set clear boundaries about checking work-related communications. 
2. Leave your work devices at home. 
3. Spend time in nature without digital devices. 
4. Engage in activities that require your full attention. 
5. Practice mindfulness or meditative techniques. 
6. Disable unnecessary notifications on your devices. 
7. Spend quality time with your travel companions. 
8. Read a book or listen to music instead of scrolling on devices. 
9. Embrace local cultures and experiences. 
10. Write a journal to reflect on your experiences. 
Unplugging on vacation can help you embrace the present and create more enriching experiences. It’s about more than simply turning off devices; it involves engaging with your surroundings, reflecting on experiences, and building deeper connections. 


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