Ideas for summer vacation

11 Unusual Ideas for Summer Vacations: How to Create Remarkable Moments with Kids

Introduction: Things to do in Summer Vacations at Home

As an Indian working mom, balancing your personal and professional life is a constant juggling act. Here are some ideas for summer vacations that present a unique opportunity to build stronger connections with our children. However, the question is, what are the things to do in summer vacations at home? This article explores 11 unique and creative Summer vacation activities, keeping in mind our cultural context and values. These ideas aim to ignite the imagination, boost confidence, and sharpen thinking and analytical skills. Additionally, involving fathers in these activities fosters a sense of togetherness and strengthens the family bond.

1.         Tales from Our Roots: Celebrating Indian Folklore

  • Indian folktales have been passed down through generations, captivating audiences with their rich cultural heritage, wisdom, and moral values. These tales hold great potential to instill mental strength and values in children. There are many stories, myths, and legends that teach important values and lessons. Indian working moms can use these stories to connect with their children and help them learn about their culture.
Indian Folklore picture
  • There are many different ways to engage children with Indian folklore. One way is to read them stories from books or online. Another way is to tell them stories yourself. You can also use Indian legend to inspire other activities, such as art projects, crafts, or games.

Here are some examples of Indian folktales that you can share with your children:

  1. Tales of Krishna
  2. Story of Luv Kush
  3. Tales of Ganesha

These examples are merely a small glimpse into the vast array of remarkable options available in Indian folktales. Indian folktales have been passed down through generations, captivating audiences with their rich cultural heritage, wisdom, and moral values.

Many Indian folktales delve into human emotions like love, jealousy, greed, fear, and happiness. Through these stories, children learn to identify and comprehend their own emotions as well as the feelings of those around them. They develop empathy, emotional intelligence, and the ability to relate to different perspectives.

There are sure to be stories that will interest your children. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring Indian folklore today!

2.         Rangoli Rendezvous: Colors of Togetherness

  • Rangoli is a traditional Indian art form that uses colored rice, sand, or flowers to create beautiful patterns on the ground. It is a popular way to welcome guests, celebrate festivals, and mark special occasions. During summer vacation, Indian working moms can use rangoli to engage their children and help them learn about their culture. There are many ways to make rangoli, which serves as an excellent method to inspire creativity and problem-solving skills.
Rangoli- Colours of togetherness

Here are some ideas for engaging kids with rangoli:

  1. Read stories about rangoli and its history.
  2. Show your children pictures of different rangoli designs.
  3. Take your children to a local rangoli competition or festival.
  4. Help your children create their own rangoli designs.

Rangoli is a fun and educational activity that can help Indian working moms connect with their children and teach them about their culture. Serves as an excellent means to keep children entertained and engaged during summer vacation and is a beautiful idea to add color to your home.

3.         Yoga Adventures: Finding Balance Within

Yoga with kids
  • Yoga is a great method for kids to stay healthy and learn about their bodies. It can help them learn how to relax and de-stress. There are many different types of kids-appropriate yogas available. You can find yoga classes for kids at many local gyms, yoga studios, and community centers. Here are some ideas for engaging kids with yoga: Make it fun! Use games, music, and stories to make yoga fun for kids. Be patient. Kids take time to learn these poses and breathing exercises. Be patient and encouraging. Make it a family affair. Yoga is an excellent way for the whole family to get together and have fun. d Practicing mindfulness and emotional well-being together can help families build an unbreakable bond while enabling working moms to find balance and reconnect with their inner selves.

4.         Cultural Cooking Delights: Flavors of Tradition

Cooking with kids
  • Cooking is a superb way for kids to learn about their culture and heritage. It can also offer an enjoyable and fulfilling adventure. Here is an example of a traditional Indian dish you can make with your kids: Dosa, a famous South Indian pancake made from fermented rice and lentil batter.

Below are some suggestions for actively engaging children in the process:

Let them help with easy tasks, such as measuring ingredients or stirring the pot. Show them how to prepare traditional dishes from your culture. Let them experiment with different flavors and ingredients. Make it a family event and cook together.

5.         Eco-friendly Crafts: Crafting with Nature’s Gifts

  • Summer vacation is an excellent time for kids to get creative and find their artistic side. There’s no need to spend a lot of money on supplies when you can use natural materials found in your backyard. Engaging kids in eco-friendly crafts can be a fantastic way to foster a love for nature.
Pottery-Eco-friendly Craft

Here are a few ideas for eco-friendly crafts that kids can make with nature’s gifts:

  1. Leaf prints: Collect leaves from different trees and plants and press them into soft, wet clay. Once the clay is dry, you can paint or decorate the leaf prints.
  2. Nature collages: Collect different natural materials, such as leaves, flowers, twigs, and pinecones, and glue them onto a piece of paper to create a collage.
  3. Popsicle stick birdhouses: Use popsicle sticks to make simple birdhouses that can be hung in your backyard.
  4. Rock painting: Paint rocks with colorful designs and leave them in your yard or park for others to find.
  5. Seed bombs: Mix seeds, soil, and water to create seed bombs that can be scattered in your yard or garden to help attract pollinators.

These are just a couple of ideas to get you started. With some creativity, you can come up with all sorts of eco-friendly crafts that kids will love.

Remember to explain the importance of each activity and the impact it has on nature. Encourage open discussions, answer their questions, and give opportunities for them to share their thoughts and observations about the natural world. By engaging in these eco-friendly crafts, kids can develop a love and respect for nature that will hopefully last a lifetime.

6.         Storytelling through Drama: Unleashing Imagination

on Stage

  • Storytelling through drama is a fun and engaging way for kids to learn and grow. It can help them develop their creativity, imagination, communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and emotional expression. Indian working moms can use storytelling through drama to teach their kids about Indian culture and to keep them entertained during summer vacation.

Here are some examples:

Storytelling with kids
  1. Read a story to your kids.
  2. Ask them to identify the main characters in the story.
  3. Ask them to think about what the characters might be feeling.
  4. Have them act out the story, using their voices and bodies to express the characters’ emotions.

With a bit of creativity, you can come up with all sorts of activities that will help your kids to explore their creativity and imagination.

7.         Heritage Tours: Exploring India’s Rich History

  • India is a country with a rich and diverse history. There are many different heritage tours available that can help Indian working moms engage their kids during summer vacation.
Indian Heritage

Here are a few examples of heritage tours that are popular with kids:

  1. The Taj Mahal: The Taj Mahal is one of the most famous buildings in the world. It is a beautiful white marble mausoleum built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal.
  2. The Red Fort: The Red Fort is a massive red sandstone fort in Delhi. It was the primary residence of the Mughal emperors for over 200 years.
  3. The Hampi ruins: Hampi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Karnataka. It is the ruins of a medieval city that was once the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire.

These are just a few examples of the many different heritage tours available in India. With a bit of research, you can find a tour that is perfect for your family.

8.         Bazaar Bonanza: Learning through Playful Transactions

  • Bazaars and markets provide kids with opportunities to learn about different cultures, products, and prices. They can also learn about the importance of bargaining and negotiation.

Here are a few tips for taking kids to a bazaar or market:

  1. Set a budget: Before you go, decide how much you will spend. This will help you to avoid overspending.
  2. Let kids choose what to buy: Give kids some control over what they buy. This will help them to feel more invested in the experience.
  3. Encourage bargaining: Teach kids about the importance of bargaining and negotiation. This is an excellent way for them to learn about the value of money.
  4. Make it fun: Remember, this is supposed to be a fun experience for kids. So, relax and enjoy yourself.

Managing money is an essential life skill. Participating in a bazaar or market gives children a chance to handle transactions, make sales, and manage their earnings. They learn about counting money, giving change, and budgeting. These experiences lay the foundation for financial literacy and responsible money management. With little planning, you can make your trip to a bazaar or market a fun and educational experience for your kids.

9.         Nature Photography Expeditions: Capturing Memories in Frames

  • Nature photography is a fun and engaging way for kids to learn and grow. It can help them develop their observation, problem-solving, teamwork, and appreciation skills. Photography encourages children to observe their surroundings more closely. They learn to pay attention to fine details like patterns, textures, colors, and shapes. This sharpens their observation skills and helps them appreciate the beauty that often goes unnoticed.
  • Exploring different habitats and ecosystems provides a firsthand experience of the wonders of nature. Indian working moms can take their kids on nature walks and have them take pictures of the things they see. They can also encourage kids to create their own nature photography projects.

10.         Cultural Performances: Showcasing Indian Arts and Traditions

  • Cultural performances are great for Indian working moms to engage kids during summer vacation. They can learn about Indian culture and traditions through music, dance, and theatre. Choose a performance appropriate for your kids’ age and interests. Explain the art form to them before the concert and encourage them to ask questions. After the performance, talk to them about what they saw and learned.

Indian cultural performances often involve vibrant dance forms, music, and storytelling. Kids can witness and even participate in these performances, stimulating their artistic expression and creativity. They may be inspired to learn traditional dance forms, play musical instruments, or explore their creative potential.

Children experience the joy and festive spirit that these performances bring, allowing them to connect with the cultural significance of these occasions. It instills a sense of community and belonging as they participate in the festivities.

11.         Lights, Camera, Motivation: Family movie night

Movies have a unique ability to captivate young minds and inspire them in profound ways. Hollywood has produced a plethora of motivational films specifically designed for children, providing valuable life lessons, encouraging self-belief, and instilling essential values.

  • “Finding Nemo” (2003): This heartwarming Pixar film follows the journey of a little clownfish named Nemo, teaching children the importance of courage, perseverance, and the strength of familial bonds. Through Nemo’s determination to reunite with his father, kids learn about overcoming fears, embracing independence, and valuing the support of loved ones.
  • “The Lion King” (1994): A timeless classic, “The Lion King” imparts powerful lessons about responsibility, leadership, and the circle of life. Through Simba’s transformative journey, children learn about resilience, facing challenges, and finding their true identity. The film’s unforgettable characters and music make it an engaging and inspiring experience for young viewers.
  • “Moana” (2016): With its empowering message of self-discovery and following one’s dreams, “Moana” resonates deeply with kids. The adventurous tale of a young Polynesian princess on a quest to save her people teaches children about bravery, determination, and the importance of listening to their inner voice. The film also celebrates the strength of female protagonists, inspiring young girls to be strong and independent.
  • “Ratatouille” (2007): “Ratatouille” combines the power of dreams, passion, and defying societal expectations. The story of a rat named Remy with aspirations of becoming a renowned chef encourages children to pursue their passions and overcome obstacles, regardless of their circumstances or what others may think. The film instills a sense of self-belief and creativity in young minds.
  • “The Karate Kid” (2010): This modern adaptation of a classic tale showcases the transformative power of martial arts and the importance of discipline, hard work, and respect. As the young protagonist, Dre learns martial arts from his wise mentor, kids discover the value of perseverance, determination, and standing up against bullying. The film empowers children to believe in their own strengths and abilities.

Motivational movies for kids have the extraordinary ability to entertain, educate, and inspire young minds. Through captivating stories, relatable characters, and powerful messages, these Hollywood films shape children’s perspectives, instill essential values, and ignite their imaginations. Whether teaching them about resilience, the importance of family, or following their dreams, these movies are powerful tools in fostering personal growth, self-belief, and character development. Lights, camera, and let the motivation unfold in the hearts of our young ones!

There is nothing as powerful as mother’s love, and nothing as healing as a child’s soul.

With the above list of Things to do in summer vacations at home, working moms can carve out quality time to spend with their children, which not only strengthens the parent-child bond but also provides an opportunity for mothers to cultivate mindfulness.

Engaging in activities with your children requires being fully present at the moment. This mindful presence helps working mothers detach from work-related stress and immerse themselves in the joy of the present moment, fostering a greater sense of calm and mental well-being. Quality time with children provides a space for emotional connection and bonding. Through meaningful conversations, shared laughter, creating precious memories, and emotional engagement helps mothers stay grounded in the present, fostering mindfulness by fostering a sense of gratitude, love, and appreciation.

In this way, we covered some Ideas for summer vacations. Remember, in the journey of mindfulness, quality time with kids can be a transformative and enriching experience for both mothers and children alike!! Start your journey today.